Friendly South Dakotans

We moved east today.  We had a choice, Interstate 90 or go slightly south and take Highway 44.  Of course, Highway 44 was our choice and it was a good one.  We were all by ourselves as we left the Badlands behind and entered South Dakota’s cattle country.  Before long we had entered South Dakota’s cash crop area.  Corn, wheat, oats, soybeans, sunflowers, and hay were being grown in large acreages.  A crop that looked like corn that was out in head at 3 feet tall baffled us.  Anyone have any ideas?

South Dakotans were friendly today…at least the few cars that we met were.  They all waved at us.  Of course, we only saw a handful of cars all day.  While stopped for 15 minutes waiting to go through some road construction, only 2 cars pulled up behind us.  There was more action in the fields harvesting wheat than on the highways…it was great!

We are in Kennebec at their KOA.  Kennebec is just off of Interstate 90 about 2/3 of the way through South Dakota.  This campground was devastated by flooding back in May from the Missouri River and its tributaries.  We have hydro and water and the washrooms are operating.  The rest of the usual services are shut down.  The pool, the office/store, and their cookhouse are probably ‘toast’.  The owner said that things were submerged in between 7 and 8 feet of water.  They are in a fight with the insurance company…imagine that!  So far only 5 other sites are occupied…that is not so bad for us, the Wi-Fi is always better the fewer users that there are!

Distance Traveled = 251 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Eurasian-collared Dove, Mourning Dove, Red-tailed Hawk, Great Blue Heron, Kestrel, Meadowlark, Red-winged Blackbird, Flicker, Chipping Sparrow, Short-tailed Grouse, Black-tailed Prairie Dogs.

Sunset over Badlands


Combine in Action!

Old Grain Elevator in Wood South Dakota

Mystery crop...any ideas?


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