Beware of the Midwest Thunderstorm

Today we traveled out of the Black Hills and into the Badlands.  We had no idea what we were in store for.  More later.

Our destination was just outside of Interior South Dakota.  The town of Interior is quite the sad case.  If it ever was much it certainly is not now.  The gas station only opens for a month for the motorcycle rally…really!  Our location is almost straight east of Hot Springs where we spent the last 4 nights.  You cannot get there from here…at least not very direct.  We had to go north to Rapid City and then back south again…roads just do not go east out of the Black Hills.  As we entered the Badlands, we began to wonder what we were going into.  The terrain looked like an Atomic Bomb had been detonated years ago but we knew that they were only tested in New Mexico.  The Badlands look desolate.  Again, the terrain is like nothing we have seen before.  I guess we will learn more about the area over the next 3 days.

Upon arriving at the White River/Badlands KOA and setting up, a storm arrived.   We were watching the sky as the storm approached thinking, wow the sky is getting dark.  Well, that sky produced a ‘silly’ amount of rain.  As it started to rain, we decided to go over to the picnic pavilion.  Some motorcyclists had come in off the highway to avoid the storm.  I am sure they were glad that they did.  Gusting winds and torrential rain followed.  We have no idea how much fell but the pictures will tell the story.  The campground owner entertained us during the storm as he had also taken cover in the pavilion.  He told us that everyone believes that “Tornado Alley is in Nebraska and Kansas.  He says that like everything else in the US, South Dakota is ignored.  I guess the badlands get tornadoes as well.  They are never reported because no-one lives here.  It is not news when a few cattle are ‘traumatized’.  As one of the motorcyclists from Nebraska said to us, “this is just another ‘experience’ for you guys from the east.”

Distance Traveled = 228 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Coyote, Bison (being farmed), Turkey Vulture, Meadowlark, Eurasian-collared Dove, Mourning Dove, Common Nighthawk.

Storm approaching

After the storm...glad we were not in a tent!

Kids playing in an impromptu water hole after the storm

Last nights sunset

Sue found us another hogs back to drive...Rapid City

Driving into the Badlands

Atomic Bomb?


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