Moving 42 Kilometres Down the Road

You can tell by the title that not much happened today.  A few days ago, we decided to extend our stay in the Glacier area.  As a result, we were forced to move to the West Glacier KOA.  This had been our original choice to stay in, but we were unable to book it for the whole time.  As a result, we were forced to stay in Whitefish for the first 4 nights.  West Glacier KOA is located just 2 miles from the Park entrance.  Hopefully this will allow us to find parking up at Logan Pass tomorrow morning…now the challenge will be getting my better half up and moving early in the morning!

The highlight of the day was a visit to another brewery for lunch…I could get used to this daily exercise!  This time it was Backslope Brewery in Columbia Falls.  They served up a couple of amazing burgers along with a couple of pretty good IPA’s.

Distance Traveled = 42 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Columbia Ground Squirrels, Red Squirrel, Western Tanager, Dark-eyed Junco, Cedar Waxwing, Robin.

Western Tanager eating Huckleberries at our campsite

Not all Farmer's Markets have a bar like this!


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