Hearing Harleys in My Sleep

We visited Spearfish Canyon today.  From everything we had heard and read, we were to be in for a treat.  Frank Lloyd Wright the famous American architect, was once quoted as saying:  “How is it that I’ve heard so little of this miracle and we, toward the Atlantic, have heard so much of the Grand Canyon when this is even more miraculous.”  We wonder if he was ever to the Grand Canyon!  It is not that there was anything wrong with Spearfish Canyon, but the Grand Canyon it is not.  We are unsure if our reaction is due to all the amazing land forms, we have saw in the US so far or whether it has something to do with these rock formations being limestone, something we see every day as we look out into our own back yard.  Spearfish Canyon’s limestone cliffs are just higher.  We were, however, treated to 3 waterfalls on our hikes today.  I think that made up for our initial disappointment with the Canyon.

Now for the title.  We were unaware that we were traveling in an area that has the biggest motorcycle rally in the US.  The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally lasts for 8 days beginning tomorrow.  Our little trailer is surrounded.  Now I am the first to admit that I kind of like the sound of a Harley Davidson…but in these numbers they are a little overwhelming.  As we drove the canyon today, we were in the minority, leather clad Harley riders were the order of the day.  And as I write this, a Harley just started up 2 sites over…I suspect that I will hear Harleys in my sleep!

Distance Traveled = 72 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Osprey, Northern Flicker, Mourning Dove, Eurasian-collared Dove, Grackle, Robin, Black-capped Chickadee, Turkey Vulture, Red-winged Blackbird, Red Crossbill, Deer.

Spearfish Falls

Bridal Veil Falls

Rough Lock Falls

Spearfish Canyon Wall

Harley obsessed camper!


  1. Unfortunately we missed Spearfish Canyon on our travels, fortunately though we missed the Harley Davidson symphony. Are you planning to see Mt. Rushmore? I had flashbacks of watching North by Northwest as we wandered about. Do not go to the evening show there unless you have been vaccinated against American hyper-jingoism. We were not so prepared and fled as the pledge of allegiance echoed off the mountain.

    1. Hey: We are going down to Mt Rushmore. We have to escape from the symphony of Harleys somehow. Don't worry we got our vaccinations against American hyper-jingoism years ago. It is still up to date. Doubt we will stay for the pledge of allegiance part...I might just have a bit of an issue with that.


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