Finding Solitude Amongst the Masses

Sleep was a challenge last night.  Two cabins behind and above us decided to have a party.  Everyone knows that I do not mind people having a good time but when 3:30 rolled around I was getting a little sick of it.  Then I hear, “time to pack it in people, quiet hour was 11:00 pm”.  I just found out that it was the owner and that he returned at 7:30 this morning and tossed them out.  I suspect that there would have been some ‘fat’ heads...gee, I hate when that happens!

Today we took 2 hikes recommended by a Park Ranger.  The first was up to Johns Lake, a pristine little Lake. The return trail took us past ‘Dancing Cascades’, a strange set of rapids on McDonald Creek.  We were pretty much on our own for the entire hike.  The masses really do not know what they are missing.

The second hike took us up to Rocky Point.  The trail wound up through part of the area that was burned in 2003.  That fire consumed 13% of Glacier.  It is amazing to see the regrowth of a forest 16 years later.  However, the best part was the lookout.  All 10 miles of McDonald Lake with the mountains in the background could be seen from our perch on top of the rocks…’Solitude among the masses’.

Distance Traveled = 159 km.  Wildlife Sightings = American Robin, Brown Creeper, Osprey, Western Wood Peewee, Townsends’s Solitaire, Evening Grosbeak, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Swainsons Thrush, Hermit Thrush, Magpie, Columbia Ground Squirrel, Red Squirrel, Chipmunk, Deer.

Johns Lake...pristine!

Dancing Cascades

McDonald Falls

McDonald Creek

Looking out to McDonald Lake

Evidence of recent forest fire...could still smell it

View from Rocky Point

View from Rocky Point


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