Feeling Well Protected

Friday, July 26, 2019

We saw cattle, we saw hay, we saw wheat, we saw barley, we saw fields being irrigated, we saw custom cutters, we saw crops that we had no idea what they were…can you tell that today was a ‘tad’ boring as we crossed from Central Montana into Southeast Montana?  On the positive side, traffic was at a minimum…obviously no one in their right minds travels from the northwest corner to the southeast corner of Montana?

However, today was not all lost.  We learned that Central Montana houses a major part of the United States’ defense system.  We saw at least a dozen missile detection sites/mobile missile launch sites in the middle of nowhere.  These are part of the ‘Minute Man Missile’ program launched during the ‘cold war’.  Boy we felt safe!!!

We are in the Billings Montana KOA.  It advertises itself as the ‘first KOA’ in the world…that is probably about the only thing it has going for it…But it does look like it has a pretty impressive Mini Golf Course!

Distance Traveled = 358 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Red-tailed Hawk, Sandhill Crane, Magpie, Meadowlark, Great Blue Heron, White Pelican, Robin, Red-winged Blackbird, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Harrier, Deer, Pronghorn.

Made us think about the Meaford Scarecrow Invasion....

Old time elevator along the rail line - no longer in use

Mountains STILL in our rear view mirror


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