Be Glad When the Harleys are in our Review Mirror

We went back into Spearfish Canyon today to do another hike.  We hiked up Iron Creek Canyon.  Having 500 to 600-foot limestone walls about 100 feet on both sides of us gave us a whole new appreciation for the area…funny how one’s perspective can be changed in 24 hours.

I am beginning to lose my patience with Harley riders and their ignorance of common courtesy…at least the ones in our campground for the last 2 nights.  These ‘overfed’ leather clad ‘clowns’ were something else last night and again this morning.  They wander around the campground like they are entitled to every square foot of it and I will not even talk about the performance the group behind us put on last night…suffice it to say we are a little tired.  They had very little…I should say…no respect for someone else’s space.  Good thing that this group is gone.  And now as I write this an RV has pulled in next to us.  They are Harley owners without their bikes…incredibly friendly…almost makes me feel guilty about what I just wrote…well, maybe not that guilty!  I realize that 99% of Harley riders are nice people but that 1% appears to be something else…right Ken?

Distance Traveled = 114 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Baltimore Oriole, Song Sparrow, Dipper, Flicker, Mourning Dove, Turkey Vulture, Western Wood Peewee, Brown Creeper, Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, Black-capped Chickadee.

Limestone Cliffs

Limestone Cliffs on the other side of us

Iron Creek beside us for the entire hike

Harleys in Deadwood

Deadwood..from gold mining town to the third location in the US to get legalized gambling


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