The Grand Canyon – North Rim

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I once again am at a loss for words to describe what we experienced today.  So again, I am going to use a quote from the Visitor Guide.  “Grand Canyon – one of Earth’s most powerful, inspiring landscapes – overwhelms our senses.  Its story tells of geologic processes played out over unimaginable time spans as a unique combination of size, colour, and dazzling erosional forms:  277 river miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide, and a mile (1.6 km) deep.”  This place is ‘awe inspiring’.

Sue and I hiked part way down into the canyon this morning.  It would have been great to go further, all the way down, but it is summer and accommodation at the bottom is impossible.  It has been described as like winning the lottery if you can get a reservation in the summer.  So, after climbing back to the top, we hiked as much of the upper rim as is possible.  We are tired as much from the emotional experience as from the physical experience.  It was quite a day.  We are getting ready to go to the amphitheatre to listen to a presentation about the California Condor.

The North Rim Campground sits at about 8200 feet.  Today the temperature made it to a pleasant 22 degrees.  The Canyon Floor, more than 6000 feet below, was to be a ‘balmy’ 39.  Maybe it was a good idea that we only hiked part way down!

Distance Traveled = For the first time on this trip the truck never moved.  Wildlife Sightings = Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Unita Chipmunk, Western Bluebird, House Wren, Western Tanager, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Gray-headed Dark-eyed Junco, Red-shafted Northern Flicker, American Three-toed Wood pecker.

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon from the Kaibab Trail (the trail down into the canyon)

Kaibab Trail continues below us

Grand Canyon from the Kaibab Trail

Grand Canyon from the Transept Trail

Kev in his happy place....standing on the brink!

Not all our day was strenuous!


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