The Big Hole Revisited

I am not sure that we could get tired of the views of the Grand Canyon.  Today was a little unique.  It was partly cloudy.  The sun filtering down into the canyon made for different views.  Some areas of the canyon would be in sunshine while other areas would be shadowed.  I doubt our pictures will show the subtleties, but we took an awful lot of them.

Today we avoided the major crowds by staying away from the Village and the Visitor Centre.  We explored the eastern end of the South Rim.  It is just as spectacular but a whole lot less people bother to drive out there…fantastic!  Once again, I cannot list all the superlatives that could describe our experience so I will not even try.  Our memories of this visit (and maybe the 1000 pictures we took) will last forever.

Distance Traveled = 265 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Elk, Rabbit, Alberts Squirrel, Lesser Goldfinch, House Finch, Turkey Vulture, Mountain Bluebird, House Wren, Barn Swallow, White-throated Swift, Violet-green Swallows.

Sunset from campsite...imagine from a KOA!

The Colorado River

The effects of partial sun, partial shade

It's the layers that count!

The Desert View Watchtower...we climbed it!


Sun/cloud creating colour


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