From the North Rim to the South Rim

I know that I must seem obsessed with the weather, but we are finding the Southwest’s fascinating.  When we got up this morning, the temperature was 16 degrees.  As we were having our coffee the temperature started to drop.  By the time we were ready to leave, the temperature was 12 degrees.  20 minutes into our drive it was 2 degrees.  30 minutes later it was up over 16.  Bizarre!!!

Today was a day of travel and again there was never a dull moment.  From the North Rim to the South Rim as the ‘crow flies’ (in this case as the ‘raven flies’…there are no crows here), is less than 20 km.  It took us 300 km.  We had to go back straight north for 60 km, go east for 70 km, south for 100 km, and then back west for 70 km.  The scenery was varied but fascinating.  After 300 km we were again rewarded by spectacular views of the Canyon.

We are staying about 80 km south of the Canyon in Williams.  We are in another KOA for 4 nights so we can spend more time in and around the Canyon.

Distance Traveled = 379 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Barn Swallow, Turkey Vulture, Raven, Mule Deer, Elk.

Vermillion Cliffs

Vermillion Cliffs

Grand Canyon from the South Rim...this time we could see the Colorado River

Grand Canyon form the South Rim

Looking straight down into the canyon...makes one dizzy!


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