A Full Day of Driving

There is no easy way to get from Williams Arizona (where we have been for the last 4 nights) to Hurricane/ St. George Utah.  You might be wondering why we are back in Utah.  We want to visit the the fifth of Utah’s ‘Mighty Five’ National Parks, Zion.

We could not resist one final look at the Grand Canyon.  It was just as amazing this morning as it has been the last few days…imagine that!  I have to admit that we were a little saddened to be leaving it behind, but new adventures awaited.

We retraced our route from 4 days ago around the ‘Big Hole’ and out of Arizona.  We were once again astounded at the poor living conditions of the Navajo people as we traveled through their land.  The Navajo Nation is held up as a success story in the United States.  I am afraid that this part of their lands is ‘not’ a success.  We traveled alongside the Vermilion Cliffs once again and marveled at their beauty.  It almost made us forget about our experiences of the last 4 days…well, maybe not quite!

Our route took us through Zion National Park on our way to Hurricane/ St. George KOA.  What a treat.  The views were stunning.  Coming into the Park from the East provided us with a ‘highlight real’ drive.  We have been on many really challenging roads on this adventure, but this just might be # 1 so far.  The road is narrow, and I mean narrow (vehicles wider than 7 foot 10 inches cannot take this road), as it descends from a plateau down into a canyon. There were at least 20 switchbacks.  What a treat!  As for the scenery…well let’s just say that the rock formations are again different than anything we have saw so far.  Today was just a ‘drive through’.  Tomorrow we are in for a real treat in the last of Utah’s ‘Mighty Five’.

Distance Traveled = 551 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Elk, Barn Swallow, House Finch, Western Kingbird, Turkey Vulture, Lesser Goldfinch, Rabbit.

One last look at the Grand Canyon

Colorado River from the Navajo bridge...Vermilion Cliffs in background

Vermilion Cliffs

Checkerboard Mesa, Zion National Park

Dropping into the Canyon in Zion


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