A Day Off

For the first time on this adventure we took the day off.  It actually meant that we could sleep in…if you call until 6:15 sleeping in.  By noon we were ‘antsy’, so took a drive to get a glimpse of what we think we will see tomorrow in Bryce Canyons National Park.

Again, the weather has been a bit surprising.  Overnight a terrific windstorm blew through.  Our ‘little tent trailer’ rocked and rolled.  The temperature dropped to 7 degrees and today hit only a high of 19.  It should be in the 30’s.  We have been chasing the sun around our campsite while trying to avoid the blowing sand.  It seems like the wind never stops blowing here.

Distance Traveled = 111 km (just a short drive in Utah).  Wildlife Sightings = Turkey Vulture, Scrub Jay, Pronghorn (not much wildlife in this campground).

Red Canyon

Natural Tunnel in Red Canyon

More of Scenic Highway 12


  1. All your photos are amazing! I am so pleased that you are having a terrific time. Take care. :)


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