Shenandoah National Park

After a rather chilly night in the trailer (single digit again), the sun, yes, I said ‘the sun’, greeted us this morning.  We made a quick trip out of the park for fuel for the truck (a story for another time).  We then headed for the trail head for the first of 2 hikes we had planned for the day.  After all, the 2nd (maybe the 1st) major reason for this adventure is to take on as many hiking trails as we can.  Today was a good start.

We hiked Stony Man Trail, a 1.6-mile hike to a lookout.  The view at the lookout is like no other that we have ever seen.  It was about a 300-degree panoramic view of the valley below.  It was a bit hazy so as per usual the photos did not do it justice. 

Trail number 2 was the Rose River (using the word river loosely) Loop.  It was quite a bit more challenging with over 900 feet of elevation gain and 4 miles to do it in.  At the bottom we were rewarded with a 70-foot waterfall (Sue was happy) and again after climbing for about 1 ½ miles came upon the 2nd 70-foot waterfall.  It was well worth the climbing.

We are moving south tomorrow.  Our stay here has been probably too short, but we have thoroughly enjoyed it.  We are not sure of our destination for tomorrow night.  We will see.

Distance Traveled = 96 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Chipmunk, Deer, Black Bear, Skunk, Eastern Towhee, American Redstart, Catbird, Chestnut Sided Warbler, Veery Thrush, Chipping Sparrow, Red Eyed Vireo, Phoebe.

P.S.  I have once again become the official photographer for the trip.  Sue’s new camera (expensive I might add), does not seem to want to take any pictures.  So, for now, the old ‘point and shoot’ will have to do.

P.P.S.  Photos will be loaded for yesterday and today’s blog postings as soon as we get some Wi-Fi.

Stony Man Point Shenandoah National Park

Rose River Falls

Constant companion - Rapids on Rose River


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