Finding ‘Art’ in Strange Places

At 4000 feet elevation it is amazing how the temperatures fluctuate from daytime to nighttime.  Yesterday it hit 29 degrees and last night it dropped to about 10 degrees. We are told that this is typical for this time of year.

Today we did nothing…well maybe that is not exactly true. We spent 2 hours this morning doing laundry, answering emails and paying bills. It is funny how those darn things do not go away even though we are over 1500 km from home.

One of the strangest things we have found on this trip is the piece of art located in front of the KOA Office. It is a dinosaur (we think) made up of all sorts of metal objects welded together. Just a few we could make out were, vice grips, wrenches, flywheels, bearings, hinges, springs, shovels, pulleys, cogs, chain hooks, chain links, locks, and hundreds of other unidentifiable pieces of scrap metal. At first glance you think, “how weird” and then upon further observation you realize what an amazing piece of art it is.

We went into Boone today and had a nice lunch at the Red Onion, a unique restaurant located across from the campus of Appalachia State University. We then visited the Booneshine Brewery for a tasting.  What a strenuous day.

Distance Traveled = 32 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Rabbit, Brown Thrasher, Yellow Bellied Woodpecker, Phoebe (we rescued it from inside the recreation building), Chipping Sparrow, Gold Finch.

Art Piece

Our Rig

Allegro Bus - "Just a little jealous!"


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