2000 Feet Down…2000 Feet Up…Just to see a Waterfalls

Sunday, May 19, 2019

A hot evening was followed by a warm night.  Today it hit 31 degrees.  We were expecting some warm temperatures on this adventure but not in the mountains this early.  We can only imagine what is in store for us in the future.

In Sue’s research last evening, she realized that there was a possibility of seeing another waterfall today.  It would only be a short hike and then we could continue on our ‘merry way’.   It would only be a 1.3 mile hike.  We kind of overlooked the fact that it was 2000 feet down and that it was rated as strenuous.  To add insult to injury, it was 1.3 miles back as well.  It is a good thing that it was a picturesque waterfall.  And did I mention it was hot today?

After recovering from our hike, we continued along the Blue Ridge Parkway, weaving our way around 100’s of bicyclists that were participating in a race.  It made an already tough road to navigate even more difficult.  However, our challenge paled in comparison to what these cyclists faced with all the climbing.  Even with our cycling experience, we thought these people were nuts!

We have come down off the Blue Ridge Parkway to camp tonight in Fairy Stone State Park (the name has something to do with the belief that fairies are seen here…it seems the ‘hill people' have been drinking too much of their special juice!)  Now when I say we came down I truly mean we came down.  The highway was one continuous series of switchbacks.  Once again it made some of the roads that we traveled in Australia seem easy.

Distance Traveled = 210 km.  Wildlife Sightings = Robins, Indigo Bunting, Canada Geese, Turkey Vultures, White Crowned Sparrow, Morning Doves, Giant Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly, Large Black Snake on the road, Loony Toons on bikes enjoying the climbing!

The waterfall we worked hard to see


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